View a comprehensive list of past commissions
carried out by Paddy Hamilton Studios. With years of experience in professional
painting Hamilton Studios can undertake and project manage commissions
for homes, interior designers, portrait commissions, corporate commissions
and painting commissions for architects and specifiers.
Please contact us to discuss any interesting
painting commission that you would like us to consider. Because of the
nature of commissioning itself - each project is considered individually.
If you select a painting or a group of paintings that is ideal for
print production - we will set up a quote.
We are experienced in working with professional creatives and designers
- and welcome interaction and discussion concerning small design projects
as well as large integrated projects.
A selection of recent commissions *Please scroll down the page*

A new commissioned painting - Oil on fine linen - Size: 34 cm X 44
Inconsequential composition on Dungeness beach (New series of paintings)
A fine mess IV - Title - 'Ennui/Duende'
Painting Size: 138cm x 102cm.
Contact us to arrange a viewing or to
receive a higher resolution image, select the image to view other large
paintings in this series.
A medium sized painting in a series of night paintings
exploring the atmosphere, elegance and mystery of Dungeness beach and
its working environment at dusk or...
in the night.

Painting Size: 42cm x 50cm
Show biz Dungeness - (Fine mess VI)
- Mulberry' - Oil on linen
Dimensions - 24 X 18 cm (Right panel above)
St Peter's - spire
Oil on linen

An oil painting on linen - Size: 78 cm X 51 cm
A celebrated fishing catamaran on Dungeness beach

Commissioned Lino cut triptych - *Working title - 'Anthropormorphic
tangental composition'
Title - 'Ace and Grace' - The conception of this triptych
arrived slowly over time, initially sparked by light-hearted conversation
over the kitchen table and subsequently through emails exchanged commenting
on working drawings shown on line.
Medium sized (commissioned) oil painting in the series based on the
rough elegance and beauty of Dungeness beach.
Storm Combi - Stitcher - size 36cm x 16cm Oil and Beeswax on linen
New Storm Combi II - size 36cm x 16cm
Oil and Beeswax on linen
A cheerful and evocative landscape diptych featuring one of the beautiful
authentic wooden houses on the East-side Dungeness Beach.
The accompanying portrait of the overshadowing poles and washing lines
- seen as the forest - complete the mood of this pairing.
The Project celebrates a fine
mess painted with a reverence for The Hudson River
In a similar style see Cone Diptych
Mirror Diptych - 'Little couple on the rise'
Paintings commissioned as a birthday surprise to celebrate a
profound and magical 'bright winter sun' visit to the beach.
Created to a tight deadline - Oil on linen
Size - 30cm X 40cm X2
How to commission a painting
You may wish to commission a painting or a limited edition print
- With us it generally works something like this:
- A client expresses an interest in a commission - for instance they
may want a portrait painting, an interpretive painting or drawing in
the manner of a favourite artist or a landscape.
- Firstly we will set up a consultation on site - it is a good idea
to have your own personal overview of style and content but you don't
have to be too specific at this stage because you will be working in
collaboration with the artist.
- Ideas for the painting, its costing, the layout and style will develop during
the initial consultation process and will be made available to be viewed
in the studios or as high resolution photographs online.
- After the first meeting we will come up with some ideas and a rough
plan for the painting.
- At no stage will the payment system be unclear or woolly - whatever
is agreed verbally will be confirmed in writing.
- We have the experience to work within deadlines; when everything has
been agreed, a date will be set for the completion of your painting.
- The content and style of the painting will be taken from a number
of initial reference points - the painting will most likely be referenced
obliquely to a particular artist who is admired by both you and the
- During the consultation process you are encouraged to seek out your
own reference points to be discussed with the artist.
- Good paintings are achieved from working in the studio. Paddy Hamilton
rarely paints on location but prefers to take all points of reference
back to the studio and paint.
- If you require a frame for your painting - this is separate to the
painting commission. You may decide to hang the painting as is, on its
stretcher - or you may decide to have the painting framed - whatever
your requirements we will work with you to ensure a satisfactory outcome.
Hamilton Studios... Welcomes commissions and illustration work